October 30, 2007

Here I begin to craft the battle lines of the Rage of Angels.This is the enemy…
Just beyond Angari’s comprehension there lurked in the Barrier Wood a being more dangerous to the Alari than anything he had met in the millennia he had been alive. Word had finally come to Lucifer, the great deceiver, the great dragon of Revelation, that an innocent world still existed. A shining light in the galaxy. A world not his. And protecting that world, an angel, an Alari he was called. Angari was his name. And Lucifer had it.
Now, he prowled the Barrier Wood. Abiding furiously until the day he brought the Alari under his control. Words would be his weapon. Words more subtle than those he used to drive those two from Eden. Always in the Alari’s thoughts as he rested in the shade of the Barrier Wood. As though they were his own; as though he alone had thought of them; the questions, the resentment for being made eternal.
“Your Maker has given you free will, Angari! Just as he gave it to Eve and Adam! Your downfall, Alari!” Had Angari been watching the Wood he would have seen it tremble as though a mighty wind had sent ripples over its surface.