October 19, 2007

Lt. Brasker is now ready to return to his starship.  Angari bids him goodbye and curiously….


“Very well, I shall bid you farewell,” said Angari, bowing. But before he turned away, he paused.  “May I ask you a question Lt. Brasker?”

“Of course,” the spaceman turned back.

“Do you believe in the One who made the universe through which you travel?”

The Lt., who was frequently razzed about his stubborn belief in a transcendent God, smiled.  “I certainly do, Angari.  I certainly do!” He raised his hand in a salute. “I almost hope we meet again, friend.”

Lt. Brasker walked on around the bend and the winged creature turned back toward Skye.  Just before Brasker disappeared from sight, he pointed the scancom once more at Angari.  Still no reading. Hmmm, the One who made the universe.  Wings…” He shrugged his shoulders and walked on, tapping the comlink. “Brasker to beam up!”

Angari saw the sparkling cylinder of light and, breathing a sigh of relief, sat back down on the moss-covered rock through which there now peeked the shine of Emerald.  Two tiger cubs appeared out of the bushes and rubbed against his legs while squirrels and rabbits hopped to the sparkling stone beside him.  Fragrant blossoms drifted in the air from the ever-blooming trees and several tiny creatures lit on his shoulders.  On closer inspection, however, one noticed that these were tiny winged people.  They laughed and sang in their chiming voices, pulling at Angari’s hair and coaxing him to come back to Skye with them.

“Ok, let’s go!” Angari laughed. “You were very cooperative and very careful!” Suddenly he was as tiny as they were and the whole retinue winked out and reappeared over Skye. Here, the castle was shining with a refracted light that, had he been allowed to see it, would have blinded Brasker as the sun caught the facets of amethyst, ruby and diamond.  They swooped inside where translucent walls allowed the rich sunlight to fall in tiny rainbows over the amber floors and strike fire from the rich, faceted crystal saucers and goblets.

The Queen was just coming into the main hall with a circlet of minuscule Alari ornamenting her snowy hair.  Angari assumed full stature, something short of seven feet, and bowed before her.  “Come, Angari, and let us discuss what you learned of the stranger.” The Queen smiled at him.

“And, what he did not learn of us!” Angari offered the Queen his arm as they walked into the garden. 

Welcome To Windfallow!

September 26, 2006

Come in! You are welcome here. This is where you will find food for discussion and facts about the Windfallow Way. The pages will be separated into categories such as Customs, topography, the Fallowfolk, etc. and you can browse through any or all of them. Please be patient while I populate the site. A little at a time will appear. You are welcome to comment or add to the discussion at any time and know your comments will be read and responded to ( at least until there are too many to address individually! May that day come quickly!) Now, a bit of background:

When I began writing the first book of the series, The Great Bell, I was just updating a short, standard fairy tale I’d written several years before. Except the 1500 words kept stretching until I had a 15,000 word book on my hands. It was so much fun to write, I started another. And another. But, as I continued to write the fairytale theme changed and my background as a Bible scholar and teacher began to show through the words.

As I created the world of Windfallow, its people, its values, etc., the plots wove together to form a battle between good and evil. The good were good and the evil were evil. I had to choose names of towns, countries, and people to reflect the fact that this world had never “fallen”. There had never been an Adam and Eve and evil had never been invited in.

The rest of the story I will leave to the books and the discussions of the various categories. I hope you will enjoy the books, find the humor and the adventure in them and also the mores upon which they are founded.

Come back often!

The Singer aka Donna Swanson